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General grant consulting for nonprofits

Does your charity just need a little help getting organized before you actually write a grant? Do you know the steps to becoming eligible for grants? What grant supportive documents are required to even file a grant application? Have you looked your organization up online recently "to see yourself" as a grant source might see you? Do you have a grant ready budget for both your organization and for the project? These are all basic chores associated with assuring grant writing success for your organization.

It is recommended that at least once yearly, if not quarterly, you verify that all of your paperwork is in order with the IRS, with the Attorney General, the Secretary of State (in your respective state), etc. You should also take a look at internet sources who manage charitable reporting. Look your organization up with a simple internet search - what do you see? That is potentially what a Grant Officer from a foundation or agency will also see. Is the image your organization presents currently a good one? If not, its time to work on that.

Once all grant supportive documents are in order, then it is time to think about outlining your grant needs. Many grants want a very specific, detailed project ask. Most do not simply give out blanket funds to your organization to use at will. What are the details of your project - are they education/outreach related, are they building/renovating something, or are they staff related? Can you break your project down into simple phases or pieces that then each could become the basis for separate asks to grant sources. These are the kinds of grant writing tips and tricks that grant consulting with 123 Grant Writer LLC can help you achieve. If this interests you, please contact Ann Keefe at 419-619-4436 for more details.

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