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Announcing On Target Grant Readiness Webinars for 2025!

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Learn How To Get Your Nonprofit Ready For Grants

Grant writing involves a lot of preparations. Think of climbing a ladder. You cannot make it to the top until you successfully navigate each step on the ladder. Or think of preparations as aiming at a target. The more arrows you have in the bulls-eye, the better chance you have of receiving funds.


If you're considering applying for grants in 2025 – or anytime in the future – join professional grant writer Ann Keefe for two On Target online webinars in January and February that will help you assess if your nonprofit organization has a solid foundation in place for grant success in today's competitive grant-writing world.


Grant writing is one of the most powerful tools available to nonprofits for funding projects and programs, but writing successful grants starts long before you begin filling out the application. Being grant-ready is a critical first step to unlocking funding opportunities and creating a solid funding strategy.

Jan. 31 webinar – Is Your Nonprofit Grant Ready? Preparing Grant Readiness Support Documents


In the Jan. 31 class, Ann will review the steps to consider so you can confidently begin to write grants effectively and efficiently.

• Is your documentation in order and readily available?

• Does it provide the information funders are seeking?

• Does your project align with the funder's mission?

• How do you demonstrate your nonprofit would make a good partner for the funder?

• Have you reviewed your annual budget and financial information?

In this class, Ann will draw on more than 20 years of experience in writing grants as she will detail types of paperwork needed and how to provide the information decision-makers need when determining grant awards.


Feb. 28 webinar – Is Your Nonprofit Grant Ready? Preparing Your Project Budget


On Feb. 28, Ann will continue the process of helping your organization becoming grant ready by delving further into the financial aspects. She will show you how to skillfully develop the financial forms required by funders and help you assess the amount of grant funding your nonprofit might need for your project.

• What financial information do funders seek?

• Does your financial documentation demonstrate that your nonprofit is financially stable?

• Does it make your organization stand out as a dependable partner for funders?

• Have you included all your in-kind values as well as your cash values?

In this class, Ann will assist you with the details that will sharpen your ability to reflect the financial health of your organization so you can feel optimistic as you pursue grant funding.


Who should attend?


On Target webinars on Zoom are an excellent source of information for:

• Nonprofit leaders and staff new to grant writing.

• Organizations preparing to apply for grants for the first time.

• Experienced nonprofits looking to strengthen their grant-readiness.

• Development professionals seeking strategies to improve success rates.


If the live online seminar timing doesn't fit your schedule, please sign up to receive a recording along with supplementary materials.


Are you On Target to secure more funding in 2025? Being prepared in advance is the key to success.


Private sessions available


Any nonprofit leader who would prefer a private meeting to discuss these points and their organization's individual details are welcome to make separate appointments. Please contact Ann for more information.


Have questions? She'd love to hear from you!

Contact Ann by emailing or calling 419-619-4436. Visit our website at


Since its inception, 123 Grant Writer LLC has written grant applications that resulted in more than $11 million in awards for a variety of programs and projects! As an experienced professional, Ann would like to offer her expertise to your nonprofit organization.


Moving forward together,

Ann Keefe


123 Grant Writer LLC


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